(a) Each person entering a Courthouse shall enter by means of a designated Courthouse Entry Screening Area and must either submit his or her person and property to a screening for weapons or immediately leave the Courthouse and its grounds. This Subdivision shall not apply to any peace officer entering a Courthouse on official business and not present as a party to an action who displays a current, valid, official photographic identification issued by a governmental law enforcement agency, except for good cause otherwise reasonably appearing to a weapons screener to conduct a weapons search of a peace officer. This Subdivision shall also not apply to any person who has been specifically authorized by the San Bernardino County Superior Court to be currently exempted from Courthouse entry screening requirements entering a Courthouse on official business and not present as a party to an action who displays a current, valid, official photographic identification authorized for Courthouse entry by the San Bernardino County Superior Court, except for good cause otherwise reasonably appearing to a weapons screener to conduct a Weapons search of such a person. Notwithstanding the above, a peace officer or currently-exempt person entering a Courthouse as a party to an action shall be subject to entry and screening for weapons via the Courthouse entry screening area.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to breach, defeat, bypass, or tamper, or attempt to breach, defeat, bypass, or tamper, with any mechanism, system or facility installed to prevent, bar, screen, or restrict access to a Courthouse or to a Courthouse entry screening area with the intent to circumvent entry screening, or to aid or attempt to aid another in such a breach, defeat, bypass, or tampering, or attempted breach, defeat, bypass, or tampering.
(c) It is unlawful for any person to enter or exit a Courthouse with the intent to circumvent or aid another to circumvent a Courthouse entry screening area, by way of any access door, hallway, or entryway posted as “restricted” or “no access,” unless expressly permitted to do so by a Sheriff’s Deputy or designee whose formal duties and responsibilities include security of a Courthouse.
(d) It is unlawful for any person who refuses to submit his or her person and property to a screening for Weapons to refuse to immediately leave the Courthouse and its grounds.
(e) The provisions of this Chapter are in addition to the authority of the Sheriff to regulate parties and shall supplement, and not supplant, the exercise of any other law including, but not limited to, arrest or citation pursuant to the California Penal Code or local law.