GENERATOR. Any person, business or entity, by site, whose act or process produces hazardous waste identified or listed in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. GENERATOR includes:
(1) HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR. Any person or business that produces or generates a hazardous waste in any quantity;
(2) LIMITED QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR. Any person or business that generates a hazardous waste in quantities equal to or less than five gallons or 50 pounds per month; and
(3) SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR. Any person or business that only generates and completely recycles one or more of the following hazardous wastes: used oil, waste ethylene glycol automotive antifreeze, waste dry cleaning solvents and solids, waste silver and silver containing solutions from photo imaging, and waste non-halogenated automotive parts cleaning solvents.
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Any waste or mixture of wastes that is toxic, corrosive, flammable, an irritant, a strong sensitizer or that generates pressure through decomposition, heat or other means, if such waste or mixture of wastes may cause substantial injury, serious illness or harm to human health and safety or the environment, domestic livestock or wildlife. It shall also include all wastes so defined by the Health and Safety Code (including but not limited to §§ 25115, 25117, and 25316), and all hazardous wastes listed or defined in the Code of Regulations Title 22.
ON-SITE TREATMENT. Treatment of hazardous waste at the facility at which the hazardous waste is produced. One or more of the following Tiered Permits as defined in Health and Safety Code §§ 25110 et seq., are required for on-site treatment:
(1) Conditional authorization (CA);
(2) Conditional Exemption (CE);
(3) Permit-by-rule (PBR).
TRANSPORTER FACILITY. An approved commercial location at which hazardous waste is stored for periods of less than 96 hours prior to delivery to a permitted treatment, storage or disposal facility.
TREATMENT. Any method, technique, or process that is not otherwise excluded from the definition of treatment by Health and Safety Code § 25123.5, and that is designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste or any material contained therein, or that removes or reduces its harmful properties or characteristics for any purpose. Treatment does not include the removal of residues from manufacturing process equipment for the purposes of cleaning that equipment.
(Ord. 3846, passed - -2002)