Pursuant to Health and Safety Code §§ 101025 et seq. (County Health Officers); §§ 101075 et seq. (Local Health Emergencies); §§ 101375 et seq. (County Health Administration for Cities); §§ 25100 et seq. (Hazardous Waste Control); §§ 25200 et seq. (Permitting of Facilities); §§ 25280 et seq. (Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances); §§ 25260 et seq. (Unified Agency Review of Hazardous Materials Release Sites); §§ 25299.10 et seq. (Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup); §§ 25500 et seq. (Business and Area Plans); §§ 25404 et seq. (Unified Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Regulatory Program); Public Resources Code §§ 21000 et seq. (California Environmental Quality Act); Water Code §§ 13304 and 13305 (Remedial Action by Government Agencies); Penal Code §§ 370 et seq. (Public Nuisance); Government Code § 25485 (Abatement of Nuisance); Code of Regulations (CCR) §§ 66001 et seq. (Hazardous Waste Management); Code of Regulations §§ 2610 et seq. (Underground Storage Tank Regulations); 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq. (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act); and other relevant Federal and State authority, this jurisdiction has found that the public’s interest will be best served by all hazardous material, hazardous waste, underground storage and related environmental protection programs within the borders of San Bernardino County being enforced and administered through the County Consolidated Fire District, hereinafter known as the San Bernardino County Fire Department, Division of Hazardous Materials. The Fire Chief and Investigative Officers of San Bernardino County Fire Department, Division of Hazardous Materials are hereby authorized to enforce and administer all Federal, State, and local laws pertaining to hazardous materials and hazardous waste including those listed above and all provisions of Chapters 4 (Authority and Administration), 5 (Public Nuisance Abatement), 6 (Permits, Inspections and Hearing Procedures) and 7 (CUPA Permit Elements) of Division 3 of Title 2 of the San Bernardino County Code.
(Ord. 3846, passed - -2002)