(a) Within six months of the end of the County’s fiscal year, the County shall prepare an annual report to present to the Board of Supervisors containing the following information:
(1) A fiscal statement of the economic development activities for the previous fiscal year.
(2) A description of the County’s economic development activities in the previous fiscal year.
(3) A list of, and status report on, all loans made by the County that are for $100,000.00 or more.
(4) Administrative costs, professional services, or other expenditures.
(5) Amount of outstanding debt for economic development activities.
(6) Amount of revenues generated.
(7) A description of the total number and nature of the properties that the County owns and those properties the County has acquired in the previous fiscal year for purposes associated with this Division.
(8) A status report on all loans made by the County that are for $100,000.00 or more, that in the previous fiscal year were in default, or not in compliance with the terms of the loan approved by the County.
(9) Any other fiscal information which the County believes useful to describe its Economic Development Program including, but not limited to, the number of jobs created and lost in the previous fiscal year as a result of its activities.
(b) The Board of Supervisors shall review the report and take any actions it deems appropriate on that report.
(Ord. 4316, passed - -2017)