(a) San Bernardino County Code:
(1) Per copy of entire County Code by vendor: Actual cost.
(2) Electronic version of entire County Code by vendor: Actual cost.
(3) Supplements to the County Code by vendor: Actual cost.
(b) Assessment Appeals:
(1) Findings of Fact: actual cost for transcription services and County Counsel or outside attorney preparation $500.00 initial deposit required.
(2) Appeals information, electronic version: Actual cost.
(3) Non-refundable administrative processing fee for filing. Application for Changed Assessment: $45.00/application.
NOTE: This fee must be waived if the Clerk of the Board determines, based on information supplied by the applicant to the Clerk on a confidential basis, that the applicant would qualify for an initial fee waiver as defined in California Government Code §§ 68631 et al.
(c) Environmental Review Fees:
(1) Documentary handling fee for Notices of Determination: $50.00/parcel.
(2) Documentary handling fee for Notices of Exemption: $50.00/parcel.
(Am. Ord. 4457, passed - -2023; Am. Ord. 4470, passed - -2024)
(a) Recruitment and Selection Services:
(1) Consultation, preparation and execution of recruitment for outside agencies (includes all phases of the process, from development of announcement through referral and interview of viable candidates): $95.92/hour.
(2) Conduct Written Examination:
(A) 1 - 25 examinees (1 proctor): $242.42/exam.
(B) 26 - 50 examinees (2 proctors): $424.23/exam.
(C) 51 - 100 examinees (3 proctors): $606.05/exam.
(3) Referral from Existing List. For list up to 10 names - includes identification and notification of eligibles: $118.42/each.
(4) Western Regional Item Bank (WRIB) Membership: $2,497.21/year.
(b) Classification and Compensation Services:
(1) Classification Study and Report (includes all phases of study, from initial consultation and all necessary research and surveying through final allocation decision and presentation): $124.70/hour.
(c) Employee Relations and Equal Employment Opportunity Services:
(1) Human Resources Consultation: $255.25/hour.
(2) Consultation on Equal Employment Plans: $145.09/hour.
(3) EEO/Employee Relations Complaint Investigation: $145.05/hour.
(4) Labor Relations Consultation: $240.18/hour.
(d) EMACS Services and Development:
(1) Functional Programming: $142.26/hour.
(2) Technical Programming: Actual cost.
(e) Conduct Bilingual Testing:
(1) Written or oral certification: $153.26/each.
(2) Written and oral certification: $245.91/both.
NOTE: Except where a valid written agreement shall provide otherwise, the above fees set forth in Subdivisions (a) through (e) apply to outside agencies.
(f) Employment Administration Services Fee: $15.15/applicant.
(g) Record Subpoena Fees (if County is not named in lawsuit):
(1) Original Record Delivery: $15.00/request.
(2) Document Research and Preparation: $24.00/hour.
(3) Additional costs from third parties: Actual cost.
(4) Copies, standard, 8 1/2 x 14 inches or less: $0.10/page.
(5) Copies, microfilm/fiche documents: $0.20/page.
(6) Copies, oversized document/special processing: Actual cost.
(h) Occupational Health Physical Examinations:
(1) Class I Physical: $472.46/each.
(2) Class II Physical: $381.59/each.
(3) Class III Physical: $307.14/each.
(4) Class IV Physical: $293.57each.
(5) Hazardous Material Physical: $383.76/each.
(6) Medical Surveillance Physical: $240.22/each.
(7) Driver's License Physical: $286.72/each.
(8) Flu Shot: $52.99/each.
(9) PPD (TB) Administration: $45.00/each.
(10) Hepatitis B Vaccination (Series of three injections): $342.91/series.
(11) Return-to-Work On-Site Physical: $140.70/each.
(12) Fitness for Duty Evaluation: $1,474.40/each.
(13) Audiometry: $88.28/each.
(14) Rabies Vaccination (Series of three injections): $390.20/series.
(15) County Fire Haz Mat Physical: $811.37/each.
(16) Chest X-Ray: $44.44/each.
(17) Treadmill: $208.30/each.
(18) P 14 Lab: $72.24/each.
(19) CBC Diff: $69.39/each.
(20) Cholinesterase/RBC/Plasma: $72.03each.
(21) Lead (Pb): $64.96/each.
(22) Mercury (Hg): $72.25/each.
(23) PT Lab: $57.54/each.
(24) ZPP Lab: $57.54/each.
(25) Honey Bee Venom Allergy Test: $64.92/each.
(26) Lipid Panel: $66.02/each.
(27) UA Dip: $57.54/each.
(28) Vision Snellen: $50.06/each.
(29) Vision Ortho Rater: $57.26/each.
(30) EKG: $148.47/each.
(31) Spirometry: $109.89/each.
(32) CA 125: $45.70/each.
(33) Immunological Fecal Occult Blood (IFOB): $47.85/each.
(34) Hep B Surface Antibody: $63.21/each.
(35) Medical Clearance for Fit Testing: $97.88/each.
(36) P & S Review: $164.84/each.
(37) PSA: $76.81/each.
(38) Referral for specialty testing: $134.24/each.
(A) Outside Provider Services: Actual cost.
(39) Urinalysis: $46.22/each.
(40) Work Status Update: $67.85/each.
(41) Fit for Duty Monitoring: $548.40/each.
(42) Off-work Disability/Work. Comp. Documentation Form: $44.82/request.
(43) TB Verification: $37.80/each.
(44) Urine Drug Collection: $76.89/each.
(45) Clandestine/FBI Physical: $296.48/each.
(46) Rabies Vaccine Response Endpoint Titer: $384.50/each.
(47) Varicella Vaccine: $107.74/each.
(48) MMR Vaccine: $166.52/each.
(49) Tdap Vaccine: $124.45/each.
(50) Quantiferon Testing: $152.80/each.
(51) Varicella Titer: $70.18/each.
(52) MMR Titer: $103.28/each.
(53) Tdap Titer: $104.98/each.
(54) Stress TTE Complete: $405.06/each.
(55) Urine Drug Screen: $111.50/each.
(56) D&L Isomer Testing: Actual Cost.
(57) ADA Evaluation: $447.38/each.
(58) Return-to-Work Off-Site Evaluation: $333.64/each.
(59) Alcohol Testing: Actual Cost.
(60) Alcohol Testing Confirmatory: Actual Cost.
(61) Immunization Verification: $33.61/each.
(62) Hepatitis A Titer: $68.43/each.
(63) Hepatitis A Vaccine (series of two injections): $183.64/series.
(i) Risk Management Services:
(1) Special Events Certificate of Insurance: Actual Cost.
(Am. Ord. 4457, passed - -2023; Am. Ord. 4470, passed - -2024)
A criminal justice administrative fee for booking or other processing in the maximum amount of $102.42 is imposed. The fee is imposed upon a city, special district, school district, community college district, college, or university for each person arrested by an employee of that entity and brought to a County detention facility or jail for booking or detention. For purposes of this subsection, an "employee" shall include any person making an arrest on behalf of an agency enumerated above, including those arrests made on behalf of an agency contracting for law enforcement services with the County. The criminal justice administrative fee shall apply to any arrest attributable to an above-specified entity where an arrestee is brought to a County detention facility or jail for booking or detention.
The criminal justice administrative fee shall only apply to original or "fresh" arrests, and shall not apply to holds placed, commitments, warrants, remands, bail bond surrenders, enroutes (temporary holds placed by agencies transporting prisoners), temporary detention at a court facility where the arrestee has been previously booked at a County detention facility, orders of production, orders of return, rollups (inmates returning from work release), or escapees from county, state or federal detention or corrections facilities. The criminal justice administrative fee shall not be charged when multiple law enforcement agencies participate in a particular arrest and one of the agencies is the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department not acting on behalf of a contract law enforcement city, or when a formal task force, as defined by Government Code § 29550(b)(8), has made the arrest, or where an arrest is made during any riot, disturbance, or event that is subject to a declaration of state of emergency by the Governor, or where such fee is otherwise prohibited by law.
The criminal justice administrative fee shall apply to all applicable booking or other processing services rendered on or after July 1, 1990. The County shall prepare and send invoices to each city, special district, school district, community college district, college, or university, and said invoices shall include the name of each arrestee for which an agency is billed and the date(s) the services were provided. An invoice shall be due and payable 30 days after the date of the invoice. Delinquent fees may be reimbursed through offset, provided such offset is not prohibited by law.
(Am. Ord. 4457, passed - -2023; Am. Ord. 4470, passed - -2024)