The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services will be responsible for the Human Services Group and for establishing and administering policy and procedures for the Human Services Group and its included organizational units and shall coordinate and advise on human service programs with other County organizational units and with representatives of business and industry. The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services will serve as assistant to the Chief Executive Officer on matters related to public social services. Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code § 10801, the Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall be designated to serve as “County Director” of the County departments and other organizational units providing and administering public social services under § 12.3502 herein without additional compensation.
(Ord. 4368, passed - -2019)
(a) The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall be the appointing authority over those employees within the Human Services Group whose appointments are not otherwise provided for by the County Charter or general law. The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall have the power to delegate in writing this appointing authority to his or her subordinates. Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code § 10801, the Board of Supervisors is the appointing authority of the “County Director” of the County departments providing and administering public social services under § 12.3502 herein. Pursuant to Military and Veterans Code § 970, the Board of Supervisors is the appointing authority of the County Veterans Service Officer.
(b) The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall have the power of general administrative supervision and coordination over the operations of each department, division or district within the Human Services Group. The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services may direct such action as he or she deems appropriate to exercise any power or jurisdiction or to assume or discharge any responsibility, or to carry out or effect any of the purposes vested by law in any officer, employee, department, division or district in the Human Services Group, except as otherwise provided by the County Charter or general law.
(c) The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall have the power to reorganize the Human Services Group, or any department, division or district within the Human Services Group, and in connection with such reorganization, the Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services has the power to transfer personnel from one department, division or district within the Human Services Group to another.
(d) Subject to the overall supervision and direction of the Chief Executive Officer, the Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services shall be responsible for the preparation and compilation of the annual budget of the Human Services Group and shall be responsible for its administration after adoption.
(e) The Assistant Executive Officer—Human Services is authorized to develop and implement County rules and procedures for welfare-to-work programs consistent with the San Bernardino County CalWORKS Plan and State and Federal law.
(Ord. 1871, passed - -1973; Am. Ord. 2809, passed - -1983; Am. Ord. 3390, passed - -1990; Am. Ord. 3679, passed - -1996; Am. Ord. 3710, passed - -1998; Am. Ord. 3771, passed - -1999; Am. Ord. 3786, passed - -2000; Am. Ord. 3908, passed - -2004; Am. Ord. 3936, passed - -2004; Am. Ord. 3947, passed - -2005; Am. Ord. 4368, passed - -2019)