Supervisors shall be elected by Supervisorial District. Each candidate for the office of County Supervisor shall be an elector in the District which the candidate seeks to represent and shall be elected by the electors of such District. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, candidates shall be nominated and elected pursuant to the general law. The five Supervisorial Districts shall be apportioned by ordinance pursuant to the general law and this Charter. A County Supervisor must reside in his or her District during the Supervisor's incumbency.
At each general election, there shall be elected two or three Supervisors, as the case may be, for a term of four years beginning at noon on the first Monday after the first day of January next following their election and ending at noon on the first Monday after the first day of January four years thereafter. Supervisors shall be elected from the First, Third, and Fifth Supervisorial Districts in those years in which a presidential election is held, and Supervisors shall be elected from the Second and Fourth Supervisorial Districts in those years in which a gubernatorial election is held.
However, the term for the County Supervisors elected from the First, Third, and Fifth Supervisorial Districts on either March 3, 2020, or November 3, 2020, shall end at noon on Monday, January 6, 2025. The term for the County Supervisors elected from the Second and Fourth Supervisorial Districts on either June 5, 2018, or November 6, 2018, shall end at noon on Monday, January 2, 2023.
No person may serve for more than three terms as County Supervisor, regardless of the District represented. For the First, Third, and Fifth Supervisorial Districts, any term or portion of a term served prior to noon on Monday, January 6, 2025, shall not count toward the term limit. For the Second and Fourth Supervisorial Districts, any term or portion of a term served prior to noon on Monday, January 2, 2023, shall not count toward the term limit. For the First, Third and Fifth Supervisorial Districts, after noon on Monday, January 6, 2025, and for the Second and Fourth Supervisorial Districts, after noon on Monday, January 2, 2023, any County Supervisor who serves more than one-half of a term, either through election or appointment, shall be deemed for purposes of this section to have served a full term. For the First, Third and Fifth Supervisorial Districts, after noon on Monday, January 6, 2025, and for the Second and Fourth Supervisorial Districts, after noon on Monday, January 2, 2023, any County Supervisor who resigns or is removed from office with less than one-half of a term remaining shall be deemed for purposes of this section to have served a full term.
The Board of Supervisors shall elect from among its Members a Chair and a Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors. The election, term of office, duties, and removal of the Chair and Vice Chair shall be provided for by ordinance, resolution, or policy of the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors has all the powers granted to it by the Constitution of California, the general law, and this Charter. The Board of Supervisors shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as are required by the Constitution of California, this Charter, and ordinance, and by the general law except as otherwise provided in the Constitution of California, this Charter, and any ordinance adopted pursuant to this Charter.
Given the size and complexity of San Bernardino County, the elected office of County Supervisor is recognized as a position that requires a considerable investment of time and due diligence from Board Members in order to effectively fulfill their duties in service to the public. These duties include but are not limited to: ensuring fiscal responsibility; representing the interest of the public during public meetings and hearings of the Board of Supervisors; participating in the response to natural disasters and other emergencies; conducting meetings with members of the public; ensuring that the County is effectively represented with respect to federal, state, and other local government agencies; and reviewing issues impacting the County and its residents, businesses, built and natural environment, and health and safety. The elected position of County Supervisor requires Supervisors to be responsive to the needs of the public on a 24 hours a day, seven days a week basis.
Furthermore, Members of the Board of Supervisors also have duties with respect to, and must attend the meetings of, many other public entities and other entities. Each member of the Board of Supervisors shall serve on such public entity or other entity governing boards, commissions and committees, as designated by or appointed in accordance with, and perform such duties as are required by, the Constitution of California, this Charter, general law, ordinance, or contract, as may be amended from time to time. Such public entities and other entity governing boards, commissions, and committees include, without limitation, as of August 1, 2022, the following:
• Agua Mansa Industrial Growth Association
• Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Joint Conference Committee
• Behavioral Health Commission
• Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency
• Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District
• Bloomington Recreation and Park District
• Board of Supervisors Governed County Service Areas
• CAL-ID Remote Access Network Board
• California State Association of Counties
• Children and Families Commission (First 5)
• Children's Policy Council
• Crafton Hills Open Space Conservancy
• Head Start Shared Governance Board
• Indian Gaming Local Benefit Committee
• Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Authority
• In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority
• Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency
• Inland Empire Economic Partnership
• Inland Empire Health Plan
• Inland Empire Public Facilities Corporation
• Inland Valley Development Agency
• Interagency Council on Homelessness
• Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
• Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority
• Morongo Basin Transit Authority
• Mountain Area Regional Transit Authority
• National Association of Counties
• Ontario International Airport Authority
• Omnitrans Board of Directors
• Quad State Local Governments Authority
• San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association Board of Retirement
• San Bernardino County Financing Authority
• San Bernardino County Fire Protection District
• San Bernardino County Flood Control District
• San Bernardino County Industrial Development Authority
• San Bernardino County Law Library Board of Trustees
• San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission
• San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
• San Bernardino International Airport Authority
• San Bernardino Municipal Water District Advisory Committee on Water Policy
• Santa Ana River Parkway Policy Advisory Group
• Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority OWOW Steering Committee
• Solid Waste Advisory Taskforce
• South Coast Air Quality Management District
• Southern California Associated Governments
• Southern California Water Coalition
• Successor Agency to the San Bernardino County Redevelopment Agency
• Upper Santa Ana River Washland Management and Habitat Conservation Plan Taskforce
• Urban Counties Caucus
• Victor Valley Economic Development Authority
• Victor Valley Transit Authority
• Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority