(A)   The final map, approved by the County Engineer as complying with the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, shall be recorded with the Board of Supervisors of approval after all required certificates have been signed. The date the map shall be deemed recorded with the Board of Supervisors is the date on which the Clerk of the Board receives the map. The Board of Supervisors shall consider the final map for approval at its next regular meeting following receipt of the map by the Clerk of the Board. The County Engineer shall consider and if appropriate, approve the subdivision improvement agreement in accordance with the requirements of § 23.17.008.
   (B)   At the time the Board of Supervisors approves the final map, it shall also accept, accept subject to improvement, or reject any offer of dedication. The Clerk of the Board shall certify on the final map the action of the Board of Supervisors. If at the time the final map is approved, any streets, paths, alleys, public utility easements, rights-of-way for local transit facilities or storm drainage easements are not accepted by the Board of Supervisors, the offer of dedication shall remain open. The Board of Supervisors may, by resolution at any later date, and without further action by the subdivider, rescind its action and accept and open the streets, paths, alleys, rights-of-way for local transit facilities or storm drainage easements, which acceptance shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder. The county may accept any dedications lying outside the subdivision boundary which require a separate grant deed. The acceptance shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
   (C)   If the final map is unacceptable, the Board of Supervisors shall make its recommended corrections, instruct the County Engineer to revise the final map and defer approval until an acceptable final map has been resubmitted.
   (D)   The Board of Supervisors shall not postpone or refuse approval of a final map because the subdivider has failed to meet a tentative map condition requiring construction or installation of off-site improvements on land in which neither the subdivider not the county has sufficient title or interest to permit the improvements to be made. In such a case, the county shall comply with the provisions of § 23.17.003 and Cal. Gov’t Code § 66462.5.
(1966 Code, § 17-34) (Ord. 617, § 2(part))