§ 21.05.007 NOTICE TO TENANTS.
   (A)   A written summary of an owner’s obligation and a tenant’s rights under this chapter shall be attached to or included in any order to immediately vacate any unit or with any notice of violation and may be included with an enforcement action issued by the county.
   (B)   The owner shall deliver the summary of an owner’s obligation and a tenant’s rights under this chapter to tenants of all units subject to the enforcement action by personal delivery, or registered or certified mail within 24 hours of the receipt by owner or owner’s agent of the enforcement action or the county notice or court order to vacate a unit.
   (C)   In addition to the notices provided for in divisions (A) and (B) of this section, the county may post a copy of the summary of tenants’ rights in a visible location on the building, property or unit subject to the notice of violation or court order to immediately vacate.
   (D)   Any notice required by this chapter to be delivered to tenants shall contain the following notice translated in Spanish, in type of at least ten-point:
“This Notice is Important. You May be Entitled to Relocation Assistance. Please have it translated. For more information, please call the Code Enforcement Officer at the County of San Benito, 3224 Southside Road, Hollister. Telephone (831) 637-5313.”
(1966 Code, § 19A-7) (Ord. 774, § 1(part))