(A)   For the purpose of labor negotiations, wages, benefits and other terms of employment, the In-home Supportive Services Public Authority for San Benito County shall be deemed to be the employer of in-home supportive services personnel within the meaning of Cal. Gov’t Code Chapter 10 (commencing with § 3500) of Division 4 of Title I. Recipients shall retain the right to hire, fire and supervise the work of any in-home supportive services personnel providing services to them.
   (B)   In order to assure the preservation of the individual provider mode and limit the liability of the authority, recipients retain the right to select, terminate and supervise the work of any in-home supportive services personnel providing services to them, and the authority shall have no authority or jurisdiction to regulate, control or limit the rights and responsibilities of recipients of in-home supportive services to hire fire or to supervise providers. The right to supervise includes, but is not limited to, the right to determine matters such as work schedules, tasks and duties, assignments and direction of work, methods and standards of caring and conduct, discipline, provisions for safety and security control of premises, any in-home living or other accommodations, and final resolution of concerns, problems and complaints relating to the supervision. Recipients retain the rights and responsibilities independent of the authority, just as they held the rights and responsibilities independent of the county prior to the formation of the authority.
(1966 Code, § 5F-12) (Ord. 759, § 2)