§ 19.27.034 VIOLATIONS.
   It shall be unlawful for any person, acting alone or in concert with any other person or persons to do any of the following:
   (A)   Conduct or operate an event without first procuring a permit to do so;
   (B)   Conduct or operate an event inconsistent with the permit for the event;
   (C)   Sell tickets or offer to sell tickets to an event without a permit first having been obtained;
   (D)   Sell or offer for sale tickets to an event in excess of the maximum number of persons that may attend the parade or public gathering as specified in the permit;
   (E)   Advertise, or otherwise publicly announce, that an event will be held in the County of San Benito without a permit first having been received for the conduct thereof;
   (F)   Provide entertainment at an event whether or not compensation is paid for the performance of the entertainment, with the knowledge that a permit has not been obtained;
   (G)   Operate, conduct or carry on an event, in such a manner as to create a public or private nuisance;
   (H)   Physically obstruct, impede, hamper or otherwise interfere with any event authorized by a permit or with any person, animal or vehicle participating or used in the event;
   (I)   Drive a vehicle between vehicles or persons traversing the route of a parade authorized by a permit when activities or persons are in motion;
   (J)   Park along or within any portion of the route or site of an event authorized by a permit, when the route or site has been posted as a no-parking zone by the Parade Administrator in the manner authorized by this chapter;
   (K)   Exhibit, show or conduct at or within an event any obscene, indecent, vulgar or lewd exhibition, show, play, entertainment or exhibit, or matter by whatever name designated;
   (L)   Allow any person at an event to cause or create a disturbance in, around or near the event by offensive or by disorderly conduct;
   (M)   Knowingly allow any person to consume, sell or be in possession of intoxicating liquor while at an event except where the consumption or possession is expressly authorized under the terms of this ordinance and under the laws of the State of California;
   (N)   Knowingly allow any person attending an event to use, sell or be in possession of any narcotic, or dangerous or illegal drug while in, around, or near the location of the event; and/or
   (O)   Knowingly attend an event with the intent to sell products or perform services for hire, with the knowledge that the required permit for such event has not been obtained.
(1966 Code, § 14-19) (Ord. 688, § 1(part); Ord. 703, § 1(part))