No grading shall occur in areas of active landslide as determined by a geotechnical evaluation or in areas exceeding 30% in slope measured both horizontally and vertically, except as provided in this section.
   (A)   Grading for access roads and driveways may be permitted on slopes exceeding 30% where the following findings can be made.
      (1)   There is no feasible alternative which would allow development to occur on slopes of less than 30%.
      (2)   Grading does not encroach on slopes of 40% or greater.
      (3)   The proposed development better achieves the goals, policies and objectives of the county General Plan and ordinances, than other development alternatives.
   (B)   Where grading on slopes of 30% or greater is permitted, the following conditions will apply:
      (1)   Plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer, and be accompanied by a geotechnical report and other reports as required under § 19.17.010 of this chapter. The civil engineer shall certify that the plans have been prepared in compliance with the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report.
      (2)   All grading and road construction shall be performed by an engineering contractor licensed with the State of California.
      (3)   All grading and road construction activities shall be monitored by a licensed geotechnical engineer who shall submit a “letter of compliance” to the Public Works Department prior to the county final of the grading permit.
      (4)   Landscaping is required to reduce the visual impact of grading on slopes of 30% or greater. Landscaping plans shall be approved by the Planning and Building Departments prior to issuance of a grading permit.
   (C)   On legal lots of record to provide access to an existing dwelling where all of the following can be found:
      (1)   The dwelling was constructed with building permits and a certificate of occupancy granted prior to the adoption date of the ordinance codified in this chapter;
      (2)   The previous access is no longer feasible due to hazards or a change in legal entitlements; and
      (3)   No other access to the site can be found without grading on slopes greater than 30%.
(1966 Code, § 7A-6) (Ord. 708, § 1; Ord. 801, § 1(IV))