§ 19.17.003 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGRICULTURAL GRADING. Grading, related strictly to agriculture, which takes place on land designated on the county’s General Plan and zoning maps as exclusive agriculture use. This includes routine leveling, plowing, harrowing, disking, ridging, listing, cultivating, on-site drainage ditches, brush removal, preparation of ranch roads related strictly to access to fields, creation of stock ponds and similar operations necessary for the preparation and maintenance of field crops.
   AGRICULTURE. The art or science of cultivating the ground including the harvesting of crops and rearing and management of livestock, tilling, husbandry, farming, horticulture and forestry; the science and art of the production of plants and animals useful to man, including apiaries, aviaries and dairying.
   BEDROCK. The in-place solid, undisturbed material either at the ground surface or beneath superficial deposits of gravel, sand or soil.
   BENCH. A relatively level step excavated into earth material.
   CIVIL ENGINEER. A professional engineer registered in the State of California to practice civil engineering.
   CLEARING. The removal of vegetation down to bare soil.
   COMPACTION. The densification of earthen solids.
   CONTRACTOR. Any person licensed in the State of California to do grading as defined by state law.
   DIKING. Construction of an earthen berm to control or confine water.
   DRAINAGE COURSE. A natural or man-made channel which conveys storm runoff either year-round or intermittently.
   DREDGING. Scooping or digging of earth material.
   DRIVEWAY. Any private road leading from the street to only one habitable structure or parcel.
   EARTH MATERIALS. Rock, natural soil, sand or combination thereof.
   ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. A professional geologist registered in the State of California to practice engineering geology.
   EROSION. The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of movement of wind, water or ice.
   EXISTING GRADE. The grade prior to grading.
   FILL. The deposition of earth or other material by artificial means for any purpose, for any length of time including the stockpiling of material, or the condition resulting therefrom.
   FINISH GRADE. The final grade of the site which conforms to the approved plan.
   GEOLOGIC HAZARD. Any condition in naturally occurring earth materials which endangers life, health or property.
   GRADE. The vertical location of the ground surface, or the degree of rise or descent of a slope.
   GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. A civil engineer, qualified by the Board for professional engineers and land surveyors to use the title of “geotechnical engineer”, pursuant to Cal. Business and Professional Code § 6736.1.
   GRADING. Excavating, or filling, dredging, diking, prospecting, exploratory digging and drilling for geotechnical reports.
   KEY. A designated compacted fill, placed in a trench, excavated in undisturbed earth material or rock beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope, for the purpose of developing a shearing resistance.
   LAND DISTURBANCE. Clearing, excavating, grading or other manipulation of the terrain.
   LETTER OF COMPLIANCE. A letter prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer certifying that the project has been constructed in compliance with the recommended geotechnical standards and specifications.
   RIPARIAN CORRIDOR. Any of the following:
      (1)   Lands within a stream channel, including the stream and the area between the mean rainy season bankfull flowline;
      (2)   Lands extending 50 feet (measured horizontally) out from each side of a perennial stream. Distance shall be measured from the mean rainy season bankfull flowline;
      (3)   Lands extending 30 feet (measured horizontally) from each side of an intermittent stream. Distance shall be measured from the mean rainy season bankfull flowline;
      (4)   Lands extending 100 feet (measured horizontally) from the high water mark of a lake, wetland, estuary, lagoon or natural body of standing water; or
      (5)   Lands containing a riparian woodland.
   ROAD GRADIENT. A vertical rise multiplied by 100 and divided by horizontal run.
   ROAD/ROADWAY/RIGHT-OF-WAY. An open way for vehicular traffic serving more than two parcels.
   SECURITY. A cash deposit either with the county, responsible escrow agent, bank, trust company or specified entity, a time certificate of deposit or equivalent security acceptable to the county.
   SITE. A parcel of land or contiguous combination therefor, where grading is performed or proposed.
   SLOPE. An inclined ground surface the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance.
   SOIL. Naturally occurring superficial deposits of earth material overlaying bedrock.
   SOIL ENGINEER. A civil engineer, registered in the State of California, experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soil engineering.
   STREAM. Any watercourse as designated by a solid line or dash and three dots shown on the largest scale of the United States Geological Survey Map most recently published.
   TERRACE. A relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope for drainage and maintenance purposes.
   WATERBREAK. A ditch, dike, dip or combination thereof, constructed to effectively divert water as an aid to erosion control.
   WINTER GRADING PERMIT. Between October 15 and April 15, all grading permit applications are considered winter grading. Applications for winter grading permits are subject to review in terms of amount of grading, weather conditions and estimated time of completion.
(1966 Code, § 7A-3) (Ord. 708, § 1; Ord. 801, § 1(I))