§ 19.11.014 APPEALS.
   Any decision of the Planning Director can be appealed within ten days of that decision by application of the developer made to the Planning Commission. Any decision of the Planning Commission, except for a determination of developer compliance, can be appealed within ten days of that decision by application of any interested party made to the Board. All appeals shall be de novo, meaning that the decision on appeal shall be based on the entire record established prior to the appeal hearing as well as upon any new evidence presented for the appeal. The appellate body may deny the appeal, sustain the appeal, or modify the decision which was the basis for the appeal. The appellate body may remand the matter to the entity which made the original decision to take appropriate action consistent with the decision of the appellate body on appeal. The decision of the appellate body shall be made by written resolution, which shall also specify the error committed by the entity making the original decision. The Board may, from time to time, specify a fee to cover the county’s costs of processing and reviewing any appeals.
(1966 Code, § 6A.05-14) (Ord. 653, § 1(part))