§ 19.11.002 DEFINITIONS.
   (A)   The terms used in this chapter are consistent with the same terms used in the enabling legislation, Cal. Gov’t Code § 65864.
   (B)   Where used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings given to them in this section.
      BOARD. The Board of Supervisors of the county.
      COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the county.
      COUNTY. The County of San Benito.
      DEPARTMENT. The Building and Planning Department of the county.
      DEVELOPER. The qualified applicant for a development interest in the real property which is the subject of the development agreement, the owner or owners of the fee title of the real property which is the subject of the development agreement, or the authorized agent of any of the foregoing persons.
      DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. As project proposed for the development of real property requiring the approval of the county in order to proceed to completion. A DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, as used in this chapter, may involve county approval that is classified either as legislative action or as quasi-judicial (administrative) action. A single development project may include multiple legal parcels as long as the parcels are contiguous and part of a single integrated plan of development.
      PLANNING DIRECTOR. The head of the Planning and Building Departments and the Chief Planning Officer of the county. Unless otherwise stated, the Planning Director’s designee may be substituted for the Planning Director wherever this chapter mentions Planning Director.
      STATE. The State of California.
(1966 Code, § 6A.05-2) (Ord. 653, § 1(part))