(A)   The program shall include the following requirements:
      (1)   Participants shall agree to perform services for two years;
      (2)   The minimum length of an adopted segment is two miles for litter removal on county highways; and
      (3)   Work must be performed according to the assigned frequency to be determined by the county Public Works Director for the particular property adopted. The frequency may be on an occurrence basis or on a daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly or quarterly (four times per year), schedule depending on the nature of the services.
   (B)   The program may apply to all types of county highways, county parks and other county property. Some sections of county highways, of county parks and of other county property may be unacceptable for the program for the following reasons:
      (1)   Heavy traffic;
      (2)   Narrow roadside/roadway shoulders;
      (3)   Poor roadway alignment;
      (4)   Rugged terrain, steep slopes;
      (5)   Property is currently adopted;
      (6)   Property conditions inappropriate for age level/experience of participants;
      (7)   Dense vegetation;
      (8)   Restricted visibility;
      (9)   High runoff potential;
      (10)   Frequency required for work too great for capability of participants; or
      (11)   Safety or other concerns justify exclusion from the program in the sole discretion of the Public Works Director.
(1966 Code, § 5D-5) (Ord. 713, § 1(part); Ord. 715, § 1(part))