(A)   Creation, composition.
      (1)   There shall be an advisory committee known as the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee. The committee formerly known as the LCA Advisory Committee, shall constitute the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee. The Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be engaged in agriculture as a primary occupation, retired therefrom, or be knowledgeable about agriculture. Five of the seven members shall be “district members”. Two of the seven members shall be at-large members.
      (2)   Each supervisor for the county shall appoint one resident of that supervisor’s district to serve as a district member. The district member shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing supervisor. The entire Board shall appoint the two at-large members, who are residents of the county and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
      (3)   All appointments shall be reviewed annually in January. A member of the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall continue to serve until replaced by a qualified successor.
   (B)   Responsibilities. The Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee has the following responsibilities:
      (1)   The Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall review any application to establish new agricultural preserves or any application to alter existing agricultural preserves. Upon conducting a review of an application, the Committee shall forward its recommendation to the Board for review as more particularly described in § 19.01.023.
      (2)   Pursuant to § 19.01.025, the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall review any request for a determination of compatible use and make recommendation to the Board.
      (3)   At the request of the Board, the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall advise the Board on the administration of agricultural preserves in the county and on any matters relating to contracts entered into pursuant to this article.
      (4)   Notwithstanding this division, the Chairperson of the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee, with the advice of the assessor, shall review any compatible use request to place a temporary dwelling unit on an existing agricultural preserve and make recommendations to the Board. Notwithstanding § 19.01.025 of this article, an application for determination of compatible use of the placement of a temporary dwelling unit may be made at any time.
   (C)   Meeting: administration. The Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee shall meet regularly twice a year. The Committee may also hold special meetings whenever necessary. The Brown Act, Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 54950 et seq., shall apply to the meetings of the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee. The Assessor shall administer this article and provide administrative functions for the Committee. The Director of the University of California Extension shall be the ex-officio clerk of the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee.
(1966 Code, § 18A-5) (Ord. 582, § 2(part); Ord. 618, § 1; Ord. 730, § 1)