(A)   The County Auditor shall audit and allow or reject claims in lieu of, and with the same effect as, allowance or rejection by the Board of Supervisors in any of the following cases:
      (1)   Expenditures which have been authorized by purchase orders issued by the Purchasing Agent or other officer authorized by the Board;
      (2)   Expenditures which have been authorized by contract, ordinance, resolution or order of the Board;
      (3)   Expenditures under any statute authorizing payment of public aid or assistance which have been ordered by the Board;
      (4)   Expenditures for charges incurred by the county pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Gov’t Code Title 3, Division 3, Chapter 3, commencing with § 29600;
      (5)   Refunds of unearned permit fees and similar fees authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors; and
      (6)   Expenditures for emergency and short-notice travel expenses.
   (B)   The Auditor shall issue his or her warrant on the county treasury for such an amount for each claim he or she finds to be a correct and legal county charge.
   (C)   Pursuant to the authority granted by Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 29701 and 29742, the three-day waiting period for all claims otherwise required by statute is eliminated.
(1966 Code, § 2-65) (Ord. 791, § 1)