(A) Generally. The Board of Supervisors finds that any reclamation plans approved prior to the effective date of this chapter which are inadequate or incomplete create a danger of flooding, erosion, air, water and noise pollution, destruction of wildlife habitat, and impairment of the aesthetic environment. These dangers in turn threaten the health and safety of persons as well as the existence and security of public and private property. Consequently, the Board of Supervisors declares that inadequate or incomplete reclamation plans are a public nuisance. The Board of Supervisors further declares that reclamation plans are inadequate or incomplete if they fail to contain all information required by the applicable state statutes or regulations or by this chapter, or if they fail to provide adequate security to guarantee performance therewith.
(B) Security to guarantee performance of reclamation plans. To ensure the performance of a reclamation plan approved prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter so as to prevent or eliminate a public nuisance, operators of all surface mining operations with reclamation plans approved prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall enter into agreements with the County to guarantee performance of the reclamation plans. The agreements shall be governed by the requirements of § 19.13.009.
(Ord. 1057, § 3 (part), 2023)