(A)   The violation of any provisions of this chapter by the holder of an alarm user’s permit shall constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of the permit by the Sheriff’s Department. If an alarm user’s permit is to be suspended or revoked, the Sheriff’s Department shall give written notification to the permit holder at least 72 hours before the effective hour of the suspension or revocation.
   (B)   An alarm user’s permit may be suspended or revoked by the Sheriff’s Department if:
      (1)   The alarm user has failed to pay any costs assessment;
      (2)   The alarm user has had six penalty assessments in any one-year period; or
      (3)   Any person responsible for maintaining or servicing an alarm system refused to respond to the scene and/or reset any alarm.
   (C)   An alarm user whose permit has been suspended or revoked is not precluded from applying for reinstatement of the permit or for a new permit. The Sheriff’s Department is not required to reinstate a permit or issue a new permit unless satisfied that the alarm user’s system has been properly serviced and any deficiencies corrected. The Sheriff’s Department may impose reasonable restrictions and conditions on the reissuance of a permit or the issuance of a new permit to an alarm user with respect to the particular system for which the permit was suspended or revoked.
(1966 Code, § 20-13) (Ord. 568, § 1(part))