§ 9.03.011 FALSE ALARM COST.
   (A)   When any emergency alarms, messages, signals or notices are received by the Sheriff’s Department showing that an alarm user has failed to meet any of the requirements of this chapter, the Sheriff’s Department is authorized to demand that the user of that alarm system disconnect the system until it is made to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Any person having an alarm system which results in response by Sheriff’s Deputies in which the alarm proves to be false, shall be cited and pay to the county, a fee for the costs of response as follows:
      (1)   If, during any three-month period, false alarms exceed one in number; an assessment shall be paid by the alarm user to the county, which assessment shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Supervisors by ordinance.
      (2)   More than three alarms during a 12-month period from any alarm system for which an alarm user permit has obtained shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit.
      (3)   For a period of six months following the installation of a new alarm system, there shall be no cost assessment of costs for the first through third false alarms. Fourth and subsequent false alarms during the initial six-month period shall be subject to cost assessments.
   (C)   An alarm business or alarm agent registered with the Sheriff’s Department shall not call the alarm use or customer in advance of the arrival of the responding Sheriff unit to an activated alarm, until such time as the responding unit clears the call. Any confirmation by telephone shall be made only by the user directly to the Sheriff’s Department, Communications Center or by the Communications Department Dispatcher at the direction of the Sheriff’s units. A dispatch to an activated alarm shall constitute a response to that alarm regardless of whether the alarm company or alarm agent has called the Sheriff’s Department or the Communications Center to cancel the alarm. Any alarm company or alarm agent who violates the provisions hereof either by calling the alarm user, Sheriff’s Department or communications center prior to the arrival and clearing call of the responding unit, shall be liable for $150 cost assessment for each such violation.
(1966 Code, § 20-11) (Ord. 568, § 1(part))