(A)   All monopole telecommunication facilities shall be allowed in all zoning districts subject to approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission and must comply with development standards in this chapter.
   (B)   Freestanding monopoles shall be located and designed to minimize visual impacts. Freestanding monopoles in high visibility locations as determined by the Planning Commission and/or Planning Director (as in some commercial areas), shall incorporate stealth techniques to camouflage them as a piece of art/sculpture, a clock tower, flagpole or other interesting, appropriate and compatible visual form.
   (C)   Monopoles may not be located within the required front yard setback of any property, unless appropriate architectural elements for a stealth facility are incorporated in the design of the monopole.
   (D)   The applicant shall specifically state the reasons for not co-locating on any of the existing monopoles and/or lattice towers within a one-mile radius. As part of the application package, the applicant may also be asked to provide a letter from the telecommunications carrier owning or operating the existing facility stating the reasons for not permitting co-location.
   (E)   All freestanding monopoles shall be designed at the minimum functional height required.
   (F)   As a condition of approval for all freestanding monopoles, all telecommunications carriers proposing a monopole shall provide a written commitment to the Planning Director that they shall allow other wireless carriers to co-locate antennas on the monopoles where technologically and economically feasible.
   (G)   Minor modifications to the communications equipment design, location, elevations and other elements of the above standards may be allowed, subject to review by the Planning Department and issuance of a building permit, if the modifications are in keeping with the architectural statement and layout design of the original use permit approval. Extensive modifications may require Planning Commission review and/or an amended use permit application.
(1966 Code, § 34-16) (Ord. 762, § 1(part), 2003)