(A)   For all telecommunications facilities, the applicant shall provide the information listed below. Application for a telecommunications facility shall be submitted to the county’s Planning Department.
   (B)   The Planning Director may waive submittal requirements or require additional information based on project specific factors:
      (1)   A site plan drawn to a measurable scale showing the metes and bounds and existing features of the site including existing structures, roads, trees and other significant natural features;
      (2)   A map showing how the proposed facility fits into the individual service provider’s network of existing and proposed antenna sites;
      (3)   A map identifying all of the applicant’s existing telecommunications facilities within the county (or relevant area). The map shall include an illustration of the estimated coverage area (search area) for all existing and proposed antenna sites for the applicant and/or service provider;
      (4)   A letter explaining the site selection process including information about other sites that were considered and reasons for their rejection. In addition, carriers must demonstrate that facilities have been designed to attain the minimum height required from a technological standpoint for the proposed site;
      (5)   Visual impact demonstrations using photo simulations, story poles, elevations or other visual or graphic illustrations to determine potential visual impact including proper coloration and blending of the facility with the proposed site (number of copies, if applicable, to be determined by the Director);
      (6)   A revegetation and landscape plan in compliance with the county’s water conservation plan that shows existing vegetation, indicating any vegetation proposed for removal, and identifying proposed plantings by type, size and location;
      (7)   A letter to the Director stating that the system, including the antennas and associated base transceiver stations, conforms to the radio-frequency radiation emission guidelines adopted by the FCC;
      (8)   Sufficient information to permit the county to make any required determination under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
      (9)   The application information required by San Benito County Code Title 25 for the particular permit sought by the application;
      (10)   Noise/acoustical information for the base transceiver stations and associated equipment such as air conditioning units; and
      (11)   Filing fees and fees for processing and monitoring the permit application as established by resolution of the county’s Board of Supervisors.
(1966 Code, § 34-3) (Ord. 762, § 1(part), 2003)