(A)   Pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 25537, a procedure alternative to that required by Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 25526 through 25535 for the leasing or licensing of any real property belonging to the county is hereby adopted.
   (B)   The Board of Supervisors shall accept the highest proposal for the proposed lease or license submitted in response to a call for bids posted in at least three public places for not less than 15 days and published for not less than two weeks in a newspaper of general circulation, if such newspaper is published in the county, or reject all bids.
   (C)   Leases or licenses of a duration not exceeding ten years and having an estimated monthly rental of not exceeding $7,500 may be excluded from the bidding procedure specified in division (A) of this section, except that notice shall be given pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 6061, posted in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and if the lease or license involves residential property, notice shall be given to the housing sponsors, as defined by Cal. Health and Safety Code §§ 50074 and 50074.5. The notice shall describe the property proposed to be leased or licensed, the terms of the lease or license, the location where offers to lease or license the property will be accepted, the location where leases or license will be executed, and any county officer authorized to execute the lease or license. If a lease or license is excluded from the bidding procedure, the actual monthly rental in the executed lease or license shall not exceed $7,500, the term of the executed lease or license shall not exceed ten years and the lease or license is not renewable.
   (D)   The Purchasing Agent or Purchasing Agent's designee may execute leases or licenses pursuant to this section, which authority is hereby delegated for a term of five years, until November 1, 2024, at which time this section may be updated.
   (E)   The Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee, shall provide a notice to the supervisorial district office in which the property proposed to be licensed is located at least five working days prior to execution of the lease or license. The notice shall describe the property proposed to be leased/licensed, the terms and conditions of the lease/license, and the name of the proposed lease/licensee. If the supervisorial district office has not responded in writing objecting to the proposed lease/license within five working days after the notice has been provided, the proposed lease/license shall be deemed approved by the district office. If the supervisorial district office objects to the proposed lease/license in writing within five working days, the lease/license may be submitted for approval by the board of supervisors at a regular meeting.
   (F)   Notice pursuant to this section shall also be mailed or delivered at least 15 days prior to accepting offers to lease pursuant to this section to any person who has filed a written request for notice with either the Clerk of the Board or with any other person designated by the Board to receive these requests. The county shall charge a fee, which is reasonably related to the costs of providing this service. The county requires each request to be annually renewed. The notice shall describe the property proposed to be leased, the terms of the lease, the location where offers to lease the property will be accepted, the location where leases will be executed, and any county officer authorized to execute the lease.
   (G)   This section shall be subject to Cal. Gov’t Code § 25537 as amended from time to time or any successor statute as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 996, § 1, 2019)