Application for a franchise hereunder shall be in writing, shall be accompanied by an application fee of $150, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for transmission to the Board and shall contain the following information:
   (A)   The name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a partnership, the name and address of each partner shall also be set forth. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall also state the names and addresses of its directors, main offices, major stockholders and associates and the names and addresses of parent and subsidiary companies;
   (B)   A statement and description of the CATV system proposed to be constructed, installed, maintained or operated by the applicant; the proposed location of the system and its various components; the manner in which the applicant proposes to construct, install, maintain and operate the same; and, particularly, the extent and manner in which existing or future poles or other facilities of other public utilities will be used for the system;
   (C)   A description, in detail, of the equipment or facilities proposed to be constructed, installed and maintained and the proposed specific location thereof;
   (D)   A map specifically showing and delineating the proposed service area or areas within which the applicant proposes to provide CATV services and for which a franchise is requested;
   (E)   A statement or schedule setting forth the number of channels and all of the television or radio stations proposed to be received, transmitted, conducted, relayed or otherwise conveyed over its system;
   (F)   A statement or schedule in a form approved by the Board of Supervisors of proposed rates, charges, deposits and installation or connection charges to subscribers for installation and services, and a copy of proposed service agreement between the grantee and its subscribers shall accompany the application. For unusual circumstances, such as underground cable required, or more than 150 feet of distance from cable to connection of service to subscribers, an additional installation charge over that normally charged for installation, as specified in the applicant’s proposal, may be charged, with easements to be supplied by subscribers. For remote, relatively inaccessible subscribers within the county, service may be made available on the basis of cost of materials, labor and easements if required by the grantee. The decision of the Board of Supervisors as to what shall be remote or relatively inaccessible under this division shall be final;
   (G)   A copy of any contract, if existing, between the applicant and any public utility providing for the use of facilities of the public utility, such as poles, lines or conduits;
   (H)   A statement setting forth all agreements and understandings, whether written, oral or implied, existing between the applicant and any person, firm or corporation with respect to the proposed franchise or the proposed CATV operation. If a franchise is granted to a person, firm or corporation posing as a front or as the representative of another person, firm or corporation, and such information is not disclosed in the original application, the franchise shall be deemed void and of no force and effect whatsoever;
   (I)   A financial statement prepared by a certified public accountant or person otherwise satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors, showing applicant’s financial status and his or her financial ability to complete the construction and installation of the proposed CATV system; and
   (J)   The Board of Supervisors may at any time demand, and applicant shall provide, such supplementary, additional or other information as the Board may deem reasonably necessary to determine whether the requested franchise should be granted.
(1966 Code, § 6A-4) (Ord. 312, § 4; Ord. 967, §§ 3, 4, 2018; Ord. 968, §§ 3, 4, 2018)