§ 7.01.004 TIMETABLE.
   For each business application in the Fast Track Program, the Liaison Officer shall create a timetable which shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors. The timetable shall include complete identification of the tasks necessary to gain review and a decision on the application. The obligations of both the county and the applicant shall be set forth in the timetable with appropriate times specified. The Liaison Officer shall prepare monthly reports for consideration by the Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting. Any deviation from the approved timetable shall be accounted for and the Board may direct and take whatever action necessary to ensure the expedition of the application or to remove the application from the fast track process. The basis for removal shall be actions or omissions by the business applicant that delay or interfere with the achievement of the timetable. An alteration of the project or any other appropriate reason will justify removal from the Fast Track Program. Placement on the Fast Track Program does not create a vested right for continuance on that program by a business applicant.
(1966 Code, § 20A-103) (Ord. 633, § 3.2, 1993)