(A)   In the event of a disaster or mass casualty incident, the ability of the 9-1-1 ambulance service to provide necessary prehospital emergency ambulance care and transportation may be disrupted or be inadequate for the number of casualties. It is necessary; therefore, that all ambulances permitted in San Benito County be available to assist when there is a disaster or mass casualty incident. In the event of a disaster or mass casualty incident, the Agency will determine the amount of assistance needed, acceptable ambulance staffing and configuration, and may authorize the dispatch of any ambulance as permitted by law. Each service shall make available, and place into service whenever possible, all permitted units at the request of the Agency. The Agency shall coordinate all medical mutual aid requests through the county’s designated communications center, the medical mutual aid system, and the Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC).
   (B)   The permittee shall have on file with the Agency, its disaster response plan which includes a personnel call-back plan.
   (C)   All management and field personnel of the permittee shall follow the Agency’s multi casualty incident (MCI) plan.
   (D)   The county may assist the permittee in seeking reimbursement for its costs from any disaster relief monies. The county shall have no financial responsibility for these costs or charges.
   (E)   When requested by the Agency, the permittee shall participate in a county organized disaster exercise. All costs associated with their participation in the disaster exercise shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee.
(Ord. 923, § 2 (part), 2014)