(A)   Each permittee, at its sole cost and expense, shall obtain, maintain, and comply with all county insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Types of insurance coverage include commercial general liability, commercial or business automobile liability, worker’s compensation and employers liability, professional liability/errors and omissions, and endorsements and conditions.
   (B)   Lack of coverage as required at any time shall automatically suspend the certificate of operation. Failure of the permittee to notify the Agency of lack of coverage for any reason shall be deemed a violation of regulation subject to fine.
   (C)   As a condition of being issued a permit, permittee shall be required to indemnify and hold harmless the county from any and all claims or actions for property damage, personal injury, sickness, disease, caused by the permittee’s acts or omissions and will pay any and all judgment decrees, costs, attorney’s fees which may be rendered against the county, its directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers in any and all such actions or proceedings.
(Ord. 923, § 2 (part), 2014)