§ 11.09.002 PURPOSE.
   The purposes of this chapter are to:
   (A)   Establish formal policies and regulations for issuing certificates and permits, and regulating the operation of air and ground ambulance services in the county;
   (B)   Protect the public by assuring that ambulances operate safely and meet certain minimum levels and standards of equipment, staffing, and mechanical reliability;
   (C)   Allow for adequate, appropriate, and efficient ambulance services in all areas of the county;
   (D)   Allow for the orderly and lawful operation of a local emergency and non-emergency medical services system pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Health and Safety Code §§ 1797 et seq.; and
   (E)   Allow for all ambulance services to be a part of the county EMS system with the necessary training, policies, procedures, and communication systems.
(Ord. 923, § 2 (part), 2014)