An application for a conditional use permit, or amended conditional use permit, for petroleum operations, including oil and gas wells, shall include all of the following, unless waived or deferred in the discretion of the Petroleum Administrator, except fees shall not be waived or deferred without the prior approval of the Board of Supervisors.
   (A)   Plot plan showing the well location, including GPS coordinates, nearest adjacent well, and any buildings, structures, and/or natural or artificial features within 200 feet.
   (B)   Fees are payable to the County of San Benito, according to the latest fee resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
   (C)   Such other pertinent and reasonable information as may be required by the Petroleum Administrator, including but not limited to environmental data.
   (D)   One copy of each of the DOGGR notice of intent to drill new well and the DOGGR permit to conduct new well drilling operations if applicant possesses those notices at the time of application. If not provided at the time of application, applicant shall provide such notices to the county within ten days after providing/receiving such notice to/from DOGGR.
   (E)   A drilling plan. Drilling plans shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   A location map.
      (2)   Name and address of all parties of interest, including surface property owners and owners of all petroleum and other mineral interests as shown on recorded title, and a copy of the title report or short form mineral lease.
      (3)   A description of the use, size, height, and location of all proposed wells (as defined and additionally all water wells and proposed injection wells), drilling pads, production equipment, pipelines, processing equipment, ancillary structures, containment structures above and in-ground, and limits of work areas for all phases of the project.
      (4)   A description of the road system and/or road improvements that will be necessary including ingress, egress, road width and surface treatments.
      (5)   A description of the expected number of vehicle trips required to implement the proposed project (peak and daily average trip). Include trips for:
         (a)   Site preparation;
         (b)   Drilling;
         (c)   Production;
         (d)   Processing; and
         (e)   Maintenance.
      (6)   Geological information regarding the area in which drilling is to occur, including identification of known earthquake faults as recognized by USGS, wells, or abandoned wells.
      (7)   Distances of project boundaries to property lines, residences, businesses, and other uses.
      (8)   A description of the measures proposed to prohibit public access to the site during drilling and all operational activities.
      (9)   A description for all phases of the project including an estimate of how long the drilling rig will be located on site (including assembly, disassembly, and removal) and estimate of how long the drilling program will take. Descriptions of any subsequent phases shall be required.
      (10)   Identify water source(s) and volumes to be used in all processes, including dust control and any injection down-hole. Identify ownership of the source or commercial provider, and the method of delivery and distribution.
      (11)   A description of the disposition of the oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and produced water extracted from the well(s), including mode and route of transportation.
      (12)   A list of any hazardous materials proposed to be stored/discharged/produced on the property and list and quantify all chemicals to be used and how and where they would be stored onsite, subject to the provisions of division (F) of this section. Describe the proposed use and method of storage and disposal. Indicate if diesel or radiological trace elements are used.
      (13)   An emergency spill contingency plan consistent with Cal. Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 2, Chapter 4, § 1722, that would address unforeseen discharges of oil, produced waters, chemical suites or other materials.
      (14)   A description of any secondary or enhanced recovery operation or hydraulic fracturing (anything that enhances the flow of production) proposed as part of this project. This description shall identify what means will be employed; the maximum length of any potential horizontal well, all substances, including chemicals and fluids to be used as part of the secondary or enhanced recovery operation, and source(s) of water. In identifying chemicals, applicants must identify each chemical that may be used, except as set forth in division (F) below.
      (15)   A description of gases and products expected to be found and extracted at the well site.
      (16)   A description of the maximum expected pressures at the well head and pipeline.
      (17)   A list of equipment for exploration and production (tanks, pipelines, number of wells and well cellars, loading racks, combustion equipment) and indicate the equipment’s operational characteristics (size/capacity, horsepower rating, etc.):
         (a)   Description of how the drilling rigs will be powered (i.e., via electricity or via internal combustion engine) and whether the rigs will be registered with the California Air Resources Board’s Portable Equipment Registration Program.
         (b)   Calculations for criterion pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
      (18)   A process flow diagram for the oil production and gas handling equipment at the site.
      (19)   Identification of the watershed in which the well will be located.
   (F)   If the chemical(s) required to be disclosed by divisions (E)(12) and (E)(14) of this section are protected as trade secret information, as defined in Cal. Civil Code § 3426.1, subdivision (d) or Cal. Penal Code § 499c, the applicant, or his or her agent, may, upon submittal of declaration under the penalty of perjury that the chemical is protected trade secret information, disclose instead the chemical family or similar descriptor associated with the trade secret constituent.
(Ord. 918, § 1(part), 2013)