§ 19.41.002 DEFINITIONS.
   The following words, phrases and terms as used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
   APPLICANT. Any person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, association, society, trust, joint venture, any other type of business entity, any other type of organization, or any governmental entity that files an application with the county for a ministerial approval, discretionary approval, or for a tentative map, vesting tentative map, parcel map, final map, or any modification thereto.
   COUNTY. The County of San Benito, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission for the County of San Benito, the Planning Department, the Public Works Department, and all advisory agencies, appeals boards, officers, agents and employees of San Benito County.
   DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS. Any discretionary land use or development permit, license, authorization, entitlement or other approval from the county, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: zone change, lot line adjustment, certificate of compliance, conditional use permit, conditional use permit modification, conditional use permit extension, C-district review, M-district review, administrative C-district review, administrative M-district review, variance, variance modification, reclamation plan, scenic corridor review, non-conforming building site review, special plan review, minor use permits, temporary mobile home renewal and temporary use permits, certain grading permits, or any other land use entitlement(s) requiring the county's exercise of judgment in the decision of whether or not to grant the approval requested and/or whether or not to impose conditions of approval. DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS shall also include any action or decision on any accompanying California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document or determination pertaining to any such approval. DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS shall not be defined to include tentative maps, vesting tentative maps, parcel maps, final maps, or the modification to such maps.
   MINISTERIAL APPROVALS. Any approval in which the approval is based on carrying out the mandates of statutes, code, and other legal authority without exercise of individual discretion. This chapter shall only apply to ministerial approvals by the staff in the departments of Public Works, Planning, and Environmental Health. MINISTERIAL APPROVALS may include, depending on the circumstances, but are not limited to: building permits, transportation permits, right-of-way encroachment permits, well permits, grading permits, septic system permits, water system permits, pool permits, permits for restaurants and other food establishments, and permits for hazardous substances.
(Ord. 876, § 1 (part), 2011)