§ 19.37.110 DEFINITIONS.
   Except where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern the construction of this chapter:
   ABATEMENT. Mitigation or elimination of a fire hazard or other violation of this chapter and such ongoing maintenance as is necessary to prevent the recurrence of a fire hazard or other violation of this chapter.
   ABATEMENT COSTS. Any costs or expenses reasonably related to the abatement of conditions which violate the San Benito County Code, and shall include, but not be limited to, enforcement, investigation, collection and administrative costs, and the costs associated with the removal or correction of the violation.
   ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. Shall include the cost of county staff time reasonably related to enforcement, for items including, but not limited to, site inspections, investigations, summaries, reports, notices, telephone contacts and correspondence, as well as time expended by county staff calculating the above costs and preparing itemized invoices showing such costs.
   DISKING. Tilling the soil so as to turn under or remove vegetation by mechanical or hand operated methods including, but not limited to, tractor drawn soil tilling equipment, self-propelled rotor-tilling equipment or hand hoeing.
   FIRE HAZARD. That condition which exists when weeds, grass, rank growths, shrubs, trees, or trimmings grow or accumulate upon real property and do, or will when dry, create a medium for the rapid spread of fire.
   GRASS. Any herbaceous plant or any combination of dead weeds, grass or vegetation, cultivated or not, which will attain, when mature, such a height as to be a medium for the rapid spread of fire.
   MOWING. Cutting or shredding weeds, grass and other vegetation by hand or mechanical methods.
   OCCUPANT. An adult person, or an entity, having a possessory interest in real property. This includes a tenant, resident, or other person or entity having possession, use, or control of the property.
   OWNER. An adult person, or an entity, having an ownership interest in real property. OWNER does not include persons having only a security interest in the property.
   PARCEL. Any parcel of real property that may be separately sold in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act (Division 2 (commencing with § 66410) of Title 7 of the Cal. Gov't Code).
   PARCEL LINE. The boundaries of the parcel.
   PROPERTY LINE. The boundaries of the contiguous real property under common ownership or control.
   RANK GROWTH. Vegetation of any type, cultivated or not, which has attained or will, if allowed to mature, attain such a height and density as to be a medium for the rapid spread of fire.
   WEEDS. Vegetation which bears or may bear seeds of a downy or wingy nature; other vegetation which may attain such large growth as to become, when dry, a fire menace; and vegetation otherwise noxious or dangerous, including poison oak and poison ivy in a condition of growth constituting a menace to public health.
(Ord. 857, § 2 (part), 2010)