(A)   The Purchasing Agent shall establish and maintain procedures and specifications to ensure that the county gives preference, in its purchasing decisions, to products containing the maximum amount of recycled materials, where the quality and fitness of such products is equal to those of products containing no recycled materials, or a lesser amount of recycled materials, and where the total cost of such products is reasonable in comparison to the total cost of those products containing no recycled materials, or a lesser amount of recycled materials.
   (B)   PRODUCT CONTAINING RECYCLED MATERIALS means, with respect to a paper product, a "recycled paper product" as that term is defined in Cal. Public Contract Code § 12301(c), and means, with respect to other products, a "recycled product," as that term is defined in Cal. Public Contract Code § 12301(d).
   (C)   To the extent that the Cal. Public Contract Code or other provisions of state law provide for purchasing preferences which are more extensive than those established herein, or for additional procedures to increase the use of recycled materials, the provisions of state law shall prevail.
(Ord. 853, § 1 (part), 2010)