The Assistant Purchasing Agent shall have all the duties and powers prescribed by laws of the state relating to county purchasing agents, this chapter and the resolutions and orders of the Board of Supervisors to include the following duties:
   (A)   Acquisition of personal property. To purchase equipment, materials, supplies and all other personal property and services for the county where funding has been approved and budgeted by the Board, unless specified otherwise in the County Code or in the Purchasing and Contracting Policy Manual.
   (B)   Service contracts. To engage independent contractors for services through contracts where the cost does not exceed $10,000 where funding has been approved and budgeted in their department budget. Contracts shall not be split between fiscal years to circumvent this dollar limitation.
   (C)   Rental of real property. To negotiate and execute in the name of the county, contracts to lease or rent for the county real property or storage space, with an annual rent not to exceed $3,000, where funding has been approved and budgeted in their department budget by the Board.
(Ord. 853, § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 983, § 3, 2019; Ord. 990, § 2, 2019)