The following development processing fees shall be collected by the Planning Department with the application for a proposed service or project, and deposited in the appropriate Public Works Department Revenue Account, prior to providing any services. In the event that a deposit is obtained based upon an hourly rate and estimated time involved, any remaining balance due shall be due and payable within 72 hours of written notice by the county of the remaining amount due, sent by fax or by mail to the address on file for the person or entity requesting the service. In the event that the fee was incurred as a result of an appeal or discretionary approval by the county, such approval may be postponed or withheld, and may result in the postponement of other discretionary actions by the county until the fee is paid in full.
Service or Application Type
Service or Application Type
C District Review - Existing Building(s)
C District Review - New Construction
CEQA Documentation (Initial Study, Exemption Determination, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, etc.)
Certificate of Compliance
Environmental Review RFP/Contract
Environmental Impact Report
5% of Contract
Environmental Notice of Preparation
Extension - Tentative Map
Service or Application Type
Service or Application Type
Extension - Use Permits
General Plan Amendment - Map Change
General Plan Amendment - Text Change
Lot Line Adjustment
M-District Review - Existing Building(s)
M-District Review - New Construction
Major Subdivision - Tentative Map (5-50 Lots)
Major Subdivision - Tentative Map (50+ Lots)
Major Subdivision - Tentative Map (No Sewer and/or Water)
Minor Subdivision - Tentative Map No Sewer and Water
$756.00 + $20.00/lot
Monument Preservation (at time of recordation)
$10.00 each
Non-conforming Building Site Review
Parcel Merger
Preliminary Map
Public Hearing Continuance
Reprocessing (minor change)
Reversion to Acreage
Road Abandonment
Scenic Corridor Review
Special Plan Review (Landscaping-Grading-Fencing-Etc.)
Specific Plan of Land Use
Transportation Permits
Annual (3)
Single (3)
Use Permit - Major (Conditional, General)
Use Permit - Major (Surface Mining, Oil Well, Oil/Gas Storage, Labor Camp)
Use Permit - Minor (Rural Home Enterprise)
Use Permit - Minor (Home Occupation)
Use Permit - Minor (Senior Second, Guest House, Third Unit)
Use Permit - Minor (Sign Permit Non Billboard)
Use Permit - Minor (Temporary Mobile Home, Fruit Stand)
Use Permit Renewal - Planning
Zone Change (Filed with Project)
Zone Change (Filed Separately)
(1966 Code, § 6C.1-7) (Ord. 622, § 6; Ord. 895, § 2; Ord. 972, Exhibit A, 2018)