§ 25.01.002 PURPOSE.
   This zoning code (this title) is adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety, peace, moral, comfort, convenience, and general welfare and for the accomplishment thereof and is adopted among other purposes for the following more particularly specified purposes:
   (A)   To assist in providing a definite plan of development for the county, and to guide, control and regulate the future growth of the county in accordance with this title;
   (B)   Achieve the arrangement of land uses depicted in the San Benito County General Plan, consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan;
   (C)   To protect the character and the social and economic stability of agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial and other areas within the county and to assure the orderly and beneficial development of the areas;
   (D)   Facilitate the appropriate location of community facilities, institutions, transportation, and parks and recreational areas;
   (E)   Allow for public participation in government decision-making regarding land use and development in a manner consistent with state law;
   (F)   Define duties and powers of administrative bodies and officers responsible for implementation of the zoning code.
(Ord. 1043, § 3 (part), 2022)