§ 3.05.147 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Commission is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors concerning the following for all current and future county parks, excepting the Veterans’ Memorial Park:
   (A)   Use of existing county park facilities including the development of park improvements to the facilities;
   (B)   Need for future park facilities and their location(s);
   (C)   Development of recreational activities and programs at county park facilities;
   (D)   Use of federal, state and local funds for parks and recreation facilities and activities;
   (E)   Joint use of park facilities with other agencies;
   (F)   Coordination with federal, state and local parks and recreation agencies to enhance the use of park facilities throughout the county; and
   (G)   Other issues as deemed appropriate by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.
(Ord. 804, § 11D-3; Ord. 850, § 1 (part), 2010)