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5.103.1  New Large Commercial Buildings.  Rating requirement.  Permit applicants must submit documentation to achieve LEED “Gold” certification.  Indoor water use reduction.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that project meets maximum prescriptive fixture flow rates in accordance with the California Plumbing Code. The project must also achieve the LEED WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction (WEp2) and a minimum 30 percent reduction in the use of indoor potable water, as calculated to meet the LEED WE credit Indoor Water Use Reduction (WEc2).  Construction waste management.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying the diversion of a minimum 75 percent of the project’s construction and demolition waste, as calculated to meet LEED MR Prerequisite Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning and LEED MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management. Permit applicants must also meet the requirements of San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 14 and San Francisco Building Code Chapter 13B (Construction and Demolition Debris Recovery Program.) The waste management plan necessary to meet this requirement shall be updated as necessary and shall be accessible during construction for examination by the Department of Building Inspection.  Commissioning.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that the facility has been or will meet the criteria necessary to achieve CALGreen section 5.410.2 and Option 1 of LEED EA credit (Enhanced Commissioning), in addition to LEED EA Prerequisite (Fundamental Commissioning) and Verification.  Stormwater management.  Projects subject to this section shall meet the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission stormwater management requirements. All new building projects must develop and implement an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and implement site run-off controls adopted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission as applicable.  Energy performance.  [Reserved]  Temporary ventilation and IAQ management during construction.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that an Indoor Air Quality Management Plan is prepared and implemented which meets LEED EQ Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management and Title 24 Part 11 Sections 5.504.1 and 5.504.3.  Low-Emitting Materials.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that low-emitting materials are used, subject to on-site verification, meeting at least the following categories of materials covered under LEED EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials wherever applicable: interior paints and coatings applied on-site, interior sealants and adhesives applied on site, flooring, and composite wood.  CALGreen mandatory measures.  The following measures are mandatory in California for new non-residential buildings. Optionally, similar LEED credits can be used as alternative compliance paths, as noted below:
Title 24 Part 11 Section(s)
Alternate Compliance Option:
Light pollution reduction
Meet LEED SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction
Halons not allowed in HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment.
Meet LEED EA Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management, and additionally document that all HVAC&R systems do not contain CFCs or halons.
5.103.3  Major Alterations to Existing Non Residential Buildings.  Rating requirement.  Permit applicants must submit documentation to achieve LEED “Gold” certification.  Low emitting materials.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that low-emitting materials are used, subject to in-site verification, meeting at least the following categories of materials covered under LEED EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials: interior paints and coatings applied on-site, interior sealants and adhesives applied on site, flooring, and composite wood.
Add the following section:  Electric vehicle charging.  Section of this chapter shall apply to all newly constructed buildings and associated newly-constructed parking facilities for passenger vehicles and trucks, and to major alterations to existing Group A, B, I, and M occupancy buildings where electrical service to the building will be upgraded. In major alterations where existing electrical service will not be upgraded, all requirements under Section 5.106.5 shall apply to the maximum extent that:
   (1)   does not require upgrade to existing service; and
   (2)   the Director does not determine that compliance with Section and Title 24 Chapter 11B, if applicable, is technically infeasible, as defined in California Building Code Chapter 2, Section 202.
(Added by Ord. 92-17, File No. 170202, App. 4/27/2017, Eff. 5/27/2017, Oper. 1/1/2018)
5.103.4  New Large Commercial Interiors.  Rating requirement.  Permit applicants must submit documentation to achieve LEED “Gold” certification.  Low emitting materials.  Permit applicants must submit documentation verifying that low-emitting materials are used, subject to in-site verification, meeting at least the following categories of materials covered under LEED EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials: interior paints and coatings applied on-site, interior sealants and adhesives applied on site, flooring, and composite wood.
Replace the following section: