A.   Report To City Before Rezoning Hearings: The director of the department of community and neighborhoods, or designee, shall prepare a report justifying the method of housing mitigation recommended by the director, including the factual basis upon which it is premised and a factually based justification for the recommendation. This report shall be submitted to the planning commission in sufficient time for its deliberation concerning the advisability of effectuating the petitioner's request for a zoning change. The petitioner may, likewise, submit its proposal and the factual and legal justification for mitigation, if any, or why the director's recommendations are appropriate or should be modified. The commission shall include in its evaluation an evaluation of the adequacy of the housing loss mitigation plan, proposed by the petitioner and that recommended by director of the department of community and neighborhoods.
   B.   Report To Planning Director On Conditional Use Permit Petitions: In the event of a conditional use permit, said report shall be submitted to the city's planning director. The report shall be duly evaluated, considered and included in the decision regarding any conditional use permit. The planning director, or designee, shall memorialize, in writing, the factual basis supporting any decision dealing with the housing mitigation component of any such conditional use permit and include this finding and evaluation in the file for due consideration should there be an appeal relating thereto.
   C.   Report To Housing Advisory And Appeals Board: A housing mitigation plan required under chapter 18.64, "Demolition", of this title shall be considered by the housing advisory and appeals board as provided in such chapter. The director of the department of community and neighborhoods shall prepare a report justifying the method of housing mitigation recommended by the director, including the factual basis upon which it is premised and a factually based justification for the recommendation. This report shall be submitted to the housing advisory and appeals board in sufficient time for its deliberation concerning the advisability of effectuating the petitioner's request for a demolition permit. The petitioner may, likewise, submit its proposal and the factual and legal justification for mitigation, if any, or why the director's recommendations are appropriate or should be modified. The board shall include in its evaluation an evaluation of the adequacy of the housing loss mitigation plan, proposed by the petitioner and that recommended by director of the department of community and neighborhoods. (Ord. 49-16, 2016: Ord. 94-12, 2012)