The functions of the division of building and housing services shall be:
   A.   To enforce the zoning laws of Salt Lake City and to inspect, or cause to be inspected, all buildings and structures erected, or proposed to be erected in the city;
   B.   To carry out, enforce and perform all duties, provisions and mandates designated, made and set forth in the ordinances of the city concerning zoning, building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical construction, and repair, including uniform housing code regulations;
   C.   To examine and approve all plans and specifications before permits shall be issued, and to execute all permits, certificates and notices required to be issued;
   D.   To examine all applicants for licensing and registration in accordance with requirements of chapter 18.16 of this title, and issue same in accordance with the requirements of this title; and
   E.   To perform all of the functions and have all of the powers required of and conferred on the building official by the ordinances of the city. (Prior code § 5-2-2)