A.   Intent: The intent of this chapter is to create a scale of form based, mixed use districts that can be used in different areas of the city based on the land use policies identified in the general plan. The regulations are intended to provide places for small and large businesses, increase the supply of a variety of housing types in the city, and promote the public health by increasing the opportunity for people to access daily needs by walking or biking. The regulations focus on the form of development, the manner in which buildings are oriented toward public spaces, the scale of development, and the interaction of uses within the city.
   B.   Allowed Uses: Land uses shall be allowed as a permitted or conditional use based on the land use tables for each listed district in Chapter 21A.33.
      1.   Accessory Uses and Structures: Accessory uses and structures shall be allowed subject to the requirements of Sections 21A.36.020, 21A.36.030, and Chapter 21A.40 of this title and any other provisions that    specifically applies to accessory uses and structures that may be found in this title.
   2.   Obnoxious or Offensive Uses: No use of land shall be permitted which creates a nuisance by reason of odor, dust, smoke, vapors, noise, light, vibration or refuse matter. Any nuisance shall be considered a violation of this title. (Ord. 37-24, 2024)