In the event an improper cross-connection is not corrected within the time limits set by the city or in the event the city is refused access to any property for the purpose of determining whether or not cross-connections exist, the city may cease delivery of water to the property until the deficiency is corrected to the city’s satisfaction. In addition, the city without waiving any terms of this chapter may, but shall not be required to, effect the necessary repairs or installations at the expense of the property owner and refuse delivery of water to the property until the cost thereof shall have been paid. Violations of this chapter are hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the city, after notice to the customer or property owner to remove or correct the violation, may prevent, remove and abate the same at the expense of the party creating or maintaining the same, in which event the city may levy a special assessment as provided in state code on the land or premises whereon the nuisance is situated to defray the cost or to reimburse the city for the cost of abating the same.
(Prior Code, § 8-2-5) (Ord. 92-549, passed 3-18-1992) Penalty, see § 10.99