(A)   Rate. Accounts shall be charged for water service in accordance with the rate determination found in § 50.61 of this code or as such may hereinafter be amended and revised by the city.
   (B)   Monthly statement. The city shall furnish to each property owner, landlord, tenant or agent, a monthly statement of the amount due for water service for that month. The failure of any water user to receive notice or statement will in no way affect the obligation of the user to remit monthly payment as required.
   (C)   Initial billing. The initial billing for premises occupied less than one month shall be charged only for that portion of the month during which the premises were occupied.
   (D)   Deposit required.
      (1)   Each owner, tenant or lessee of property, before utility services are furnished, must pay a refundable deposit. The amount collected may be amended by resolution of the City Council.
      (2)   All such deposits shall be placed in a reserve account managed by the Treasurer/Finance Director.
      (3)   Refundable deposits may be transferred to another physical address on the city utility system if current bill is paid in full and upon written request from the owner, tenant or lessee of notice of transfer of the account to a different address.
      (4)   If city utility bills have been paid in full and on time for the last 12 consecutive months, a credit will be added to the account in the amount of the deposit.
      (5)   In the event that an account becomes in arrears for a period longer than 60 days, the deposit will be applied to the amount in arrears. Before the service to the owner, tenant or lessee resumes, the amount in arrears must be paid in full and a new deposit shall be submitted to the city. If the deposit has previously been credited to the account in arrears, a new deposit and the amount in arrears shall be submitted before services are restored.
      (6)   Upon vacating the premises, the city will be notified immediately. The owner, tenant or lessee will, at that time, submit a written request, which shall be furnished by the city, for a refund and furnish a forwarding address. The refundable deposit will than be transferred to the appropriate Utility Fund of the city and credited to the account. The balance of the account, if any, shall be refunded to the person making the deposit, his or her heir or a personal representative within 30 days of the written request. No interest will be paid on funds to be returned. If such refund cannot be made within three months because of the unknown whereabouts of the person making the deposit, the balance of the deposit shall be placed in the appropriate Utility Fund.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-19) (Ord. 92-549, passed 3-18-1992; Ord. 05-700, passed 10-5-2005)