(A)   Service charges. The city may require a service charge in an amount not to exceed the actual cost to the city, for service calls which are only for the convenience and benefit of the customer.
   (B)   Turning water services on and off.
      (1)   In an emergency, the city shall turn off the water for the initial response at no charge to the property owner. For the original emergency, the water will be turned back on, during normal business hours, once only, at no cost.
      (2)   Additional trips during normal business hours, to turn the water on or off, shall be charged a fee per visit as set by resolution. Additional emergency trips to turn the water off or on after normal business hours will be charged a fee as set by resolution.
      (3)   For normal repair and maintenance of water service, there will be no charge for the first turn off and return to service trip. Each succeeding trip will be charged at the rate per visit to be set by resolution.
      (4)   Outside normal business hours, there will be no service provided to turn the water on or off, except in an emergency.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-17) (Ord. 92-549, passed 3-18-1992; Ord. 01-617, passed 2-21-2001; Ord. 15-811, passed 11-19-2015)