Every existing premises within the boundaries of the city that is occupied or occupiable by any person or as a commercial business, shall be connected to the public water system if they are within 300 feet of an existing city water main. The owner or person in charge of such land shall make or cause to be made such connection through the application process before such land is occupied for a dwelling or commercial building. The property owner shall have the meter installed at his or her expense. The city shall make the hot tap connection to its main line and install the water service line to the city water meter for new construction. The property owner shall pay for all required excavation, backfill, street repair and all other service line and connection costs per the fee schedule as set by resolution.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-2) (Ord. 92-549, passed 3-18-1992; Ord. 15-811, passed 11-19-2015)