(A)   Adoption. The city hereby adopts and will review annually personnel policies and procedures for the city which sets forth the policies and procedures for the following: employee examination/selection process; employment and benefits; employee relations; interpretation; enforcement and administration; selection and appointments; probationary periods; employee performance evaluations; application and examinations; separations; disciplinary actions; training and welfare activities; records and reports; attendance and leave; overtime; and appeals and grievance procedures.
   (B)   Copies on file. In accordance with Idaho Code 50-901A, this section contains a summary of the principal provisions of the entire personnel policies and procedures ordinance and three copies of the full text are available and on file for the use by the public in the office of the Clerk of the city. A full text of the ordinance on personnel policies and procedures for the city shall be provided by the Clerk to any citizen of the city on personal request.
   (C)   Administration of the policies and procedures. The policies and procedures adopted above will be administered in accordance with the provisions contained therein and in accordance with this chapter. (Prior Code, § 1-8-5) (Ord. 91-544, passed 12-18-1991)