For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANSI. American National Standards Institute, specifically standards for tree care operations.
   COMMUNITY FOREST. Trees located on city-owned or city-controlled property.
   DRIP LINE. The area directly below the branches of a tree.
   PRIVATE TREE. A tree whose stem is located entirely on private property within the city.
   PRUNING. The practice of cutting tree limbs according to standards in the latest revision of the American National Standards Institute for Tree Care Operations, a copy of which is on file with the city.
   PUBLIC TREE. A tree whose stem is located partly or wholly on public property within the city.
   REMOVE. To cut down or damage any tree, deliberately or by omission, causing the tree to die or become hazardous within three years.
   SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent of Public Works or person designated by the Superintendent.
   TOPPING. Severe cutting back of limbs within a tree crown to buds, stubs or laterals not large enough to assume a terminal role as defined in ANSI A300.
   TREE. Any self-supporting woody plant which has a well-defined stem with a diameter of at least four inches at one and one-half feet from the ground; any conspicuously flowering woody plant as designated by the Tree Department that has a well-defined stem of at least two inches at four and one- half feet from the ground; or any small seedling or sapling planted or protected specifically to become a large tree as described above.
(Prior Code, § 7-4-2)