(A)   Appointment. The Mayor may appoint, with approval of the City Council, a Public Works Superintendent. The Public Works Superintendent may be removed by the Mayor for any cause by him or her deemed sufficient; but such removal shall be by and with the affirmative vote of one-half plus one of the members of the full Council; provided, that the City Council, by the unanimous vote of all its members, may upon its own initiative remove any appointive officer.
(Prior Code, § 1-7D-1)
   (B)   Duties. The Public Works Superintendent will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the administrative and executive activities of the Public Works Department:
      (1)   Streets and alleys. Supervise the grading, surfacing, repairs and maintenance of all streets and alleys;
      (2)   Sewer. Supervise the installation and maintenance of all sewer lines in the city except the installation of sewer projects which are accomplished by contract;
      (3)   Water. Supervise the installation and maintenance of all water mains and water services, except the installation of water mains so accomplished by contract;
      (4)   Equipment. Have charge of and supervise the repair and upkeep of all city-owned equipment;
      (5)   Employment and supervision. Employ, with the consent of the City Council, such help as is needed to carry on the work of the city, including contractor and volunteer recruitment, such help to be directly under his or her supervision. Supervision over permanent and temporary staff as assigned;
      (6)   Budget. Oversight and management of the Public Works budget, grant accounting and management, department materials and professional services procurement and expenditures;
      (7)   Other duties. Management and maintenance of traffic signage, city parks, city-owned lands, the city cemetery and the storm water collection system. Project and program development and oversight; adherence to all federal, city and state policies, regulations and ordinances. Development of key partnership agreements for on-going public works programs, projects and events. Completing planned and assigned projects; developing and implementing a department strategic plan that addresses long-term community public works needs and goals. Conducting public works communication initiatives that include writing press releases, interacting with the public and the media, website maintenance, conducting public meetings and responding to resident, visitor, agency and partner comments and concerns. Coordinating projects with partners and volunteers, facilitating committee meetings, workshops and public meetings as required. Be responsible for the accomplishment of such other work of the city which the City Council may from time to time assign to him or her; and
      (8)   Reports. Make such reports as are requested by the Mayor or the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 1-7D-2)