(A)   Adoption. Pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6511, the city adopts by reference that certain document entitled the “Salmon Development Code” as the official zoning and subdivision regulations of the city. This Development Code consists of the following chapters:
      (1)   Chapter I. Establishes the purpose of the chapter pursuant to the Local Land Use Planning Act to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the state;
      (2)   Chapter II. Provides for the duties of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Zoning Administrator and Floodplain Administrator;
      (3)   Chapter III. Establishes general provisions, continuation, repair or maintenance, change in and/or additions to nonconforming uses, nonconforming signs and nonconforming lots or parcels;
      (4)   Chapter IV. Requires a permit for all land development and building activity in the city and establishes procedures for the administration of this chapter, including the procedures for processing permit applications and the hearing procedures;
      (5)   Chapter V. Creates zoning districts and overlay zoning districts for use in the city and adopts an official map for these districts;
      (6)   Chapter VI. Establishes the purpose of each zoning district and lists the uses permitted in each district. Establishes performance standards for land and building activity in the city. Certain performance standards apply to all developments, while others apply only to developments for which a special use is required;
      (7)   Chapter VII. The special use permit procedure implements the Comprehensive Plan by requiring a public review of specific uses and developments to assure compatibility with applicable performance standards;
      (8)   Chapter VIII. Provides procedures and criteria for the division of land and development;
      (9)   Chapter IX. A Planned Unit Development allows a measure of design flexibility by permitting variation of the distribution of land use density, variation of building placement standards, individual lot area, lot frontage requirements, access requirements and variation of other performance standards required within a zoning district or combination of zoning districts when a development is planned in its entirety and when the variations can be demonstrated to benefit the development for those who will reside and conduct business affairs within the proposed development and for the community in general. The intent of the PUD process is to allow innovation in design that should prove superior to compliance with standard development requirements that are not the product of site-specific integrated design;
      (10)   Chapter X. Establishes performance standards for all development activity in the city;
      (11)   Chapter XI. Provides regulations for the placement of manufactured homes and development of manufactured home parks;
      (12)   Chapter XII. Defines tools to require that an owner or developer make a written commitment concerning the use or development of a subject parcel and may include provisions governing the creation, form, recording, modification, enforcement and termination of conditional commitments;
      (13)   Chapter XIII. Support the use of signs to be maintained in a safe and attractive condition, to promote public health, safety and welfare of the community. To preserve, promote and enhance the city’s scenic and commercial environment;
      (14)   Chapter XIV. To assure that negative impact of special uses is mitigated through the use of buffering. The purpose of landscaping is to enhance the esthetic values and appearance of the properties within the city;
      (15)   Chapter XV. To protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the public by establishing regulations and a process of review for exterior lighting;
      (16)   Chapter XVI. To provide for orderly allocation of land into the city limits and provide assurances that the annexation of land into the city limits will not have an adverse effect on the city’s ability to provide and maintain a high level of municipal service. That there will not be an adverse effect on the existing infrastructure, will not have an adverse fiscal impact to the city and will provide and maintain a high level of municipal service;
      (17)   Chapter XVII. To identify floodplains and minimum floodplain development standards to minimize flood hazards and protect human life, health and property;
      (18)   Chapter XVIII. To prevent traffic congestion on public streets by requiring provision of adequate off-street parking and loading areas;
      (19)   Chapter XIX. To provide standards for the construction or reconstruction of roads;
      (20)   Chapter XX. To control the development within the area of city impact;
      (21)   Appendix A. Provides models for the hearing notices required by ordinance;
      (22)   Appendix B. Provides uses for zoning districts; and
      (23)   Appendix C. Provides definitions for important terms.
   (B)   Copies on file. The full text of the city’s Development Code will be kept on file by the Clerk and be made available to the public at reasonable times for viewing at the Clerk’s office.
(Prior Code, § 1-11-3) (Ord. 92-561, passed 12-16-1992; Ord. 95-580, passed 1-18-1995; Ord. 96-586, passed 10-7-1996; Ord. 97-589, passed 2-5-1997; Ord. 97-595, passed 9-17-1997; Ord. 98-602, passed 4-15-1998; Ord. 2000-613, passed 7-5-2000; Ord. 2001-621, passed 9-5-2001; Ord. 2002-628, passed 3-20-2002; Ord. 02-648, passed 2-5-2003; Ord. 04-668, passed 4-21-2004; Ord. 06-703, passed 7-5-2006; Ord. 07-721, passed 10-17-2007; Ord. 07-722, passed 10-17-2007; Ord. 17-819, passed 3-1-2017; Ord. 17-822, passed 6-21-2017; Ord. 17-825, passed 8-16-2017)