§ 110.03 EXEMPTIONS.
   None of the provisions of this chapter shall apply to any agency of the United States Government and political subdivisions of the state, including counties, school districts, sewer districts, fire districts and other special districts. Charitable entities and organizations and religious organizations shall be exempt. Traveling salespersons, commercial travelers or the like who exclusively or primarily sell to, or solicit orders for future delivery from local retailers, local businesses, local governments, local schools, local wholesale firms or solicited orders from local customers shall be exempt. All businesses or occupations owned and operated by individuals under the age of 18 years of age shall be exempt.
(Prior Code, § 3-4-3) (Ord. 04-670, passed 7-7-2004; Ord. 04-674, passed 8-18-2004; Ord. 19-834, passed 2-20-2019)